A basic code component that can be used to display code with syntax highlighting.
const [value, setValue] = useState("");
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With Markdown
You can use the Code
component within the Markdown
component to
display syntax highlighted code properly within a Markdown document.
To do this edit the components/ui/markdown.tsx
component and uncomment
the code that is there.
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import ReactMarkdown, { Options } from "react-markdown"; import remarkGfm from "remark-gfm"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; export type MarkdownProps = Options; export function Markdown({ children, className, ...props }: MarkdownProps) { return ( <ReactMarkdown className={cn( "prose prose-neutral break-words dark:prose-invert prose-p:leading-relaxed prose-pre:overflow-visible prose-pre:bg-inherit prose-pre:p-0 prose-p:m-0", className )} remarkPlugins={[remarkGfm]} components={{ p({ children }) { return <p className="mb-2 last:mb-0">{children}</p>; }, code({ children, className, }) { const match = /language-(\w+)/.exec(className || ""); if (!match) { return ( <code {} className={cn("font-semibold text-primary", className)} > {children} </code> ); } const code = String(children).replace(/\n$/, ""); const language = match[1]; return ( <Code language={language}> <CodeHeader> <CodeLanguage /> <CodeCopyButton /> </CodeHeader> <CodeContent showLineNumbers>{code}</CodeContent> </Code> ); }, }} {...props} > {children} </ReactMarkdown> ); }